4 Responses to “X Files: I Want To Believe (2008)”

  1. Cello says:

    I can appreciate suspense, but man this movie DRAGGED. Its cool cuz Duchovny was aware that he didn’t dig the movie also and if they do a trilogy he wants the 3rd one to be done right. I agree with you when you said the story felt forced, it just didn’t unravel smoothly at all.

  2. hagiblog says:

    I always prefered the mythology episodes of the series to the monster of the week ones so this movie never really made it for me as well. I think this one will be the last which is unfortunate when it could have been done so much better.

  3. Jeff says:

    I’m glad it was a monster of the week movie. I loved those just as much as the mythology! Bring on XF3!

  4. brad says:

    david duchovny is such a tool. the show was way better with robert patrick and him in the back round. the movies weren’t great either.
