6 Responses to ““Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World” Trailer!”

  1. Looks very promising! I like the original visual style with the comic book actions just like the source material. Looking forward to seeing it in August.

  2. FRC Ruben says:

    Is it me, or does Cera look like he’s about 12 years old? Is that on purpose? I am unfamiliar with the graphic novel.

  3. Castor says:

    Michael Cera playing the same goddamn role again. Does this guy have any range whatsoever?

    • Heather says:

      Answer: NOPE!

  4. Marc says:

    Totally dug the trailer, even if I have never read the graphic novel.

    I love how the movie is able to have a laugh at itself and I would expect nothing less from Edgar Wright…also really excited to see more work from Chris Evans and Brandon Routh getting more and more work.

  5. Fitz says:

    Evans has got some fun roles this year between this and The Losers.
