12 Responses to “Review: Step Up 3D(2010)”

  1. Castor says:

    Glad to see you gave it a separate grade for being a Step Up movie. I was going to get on your case for giving it 3 stars (Fantastic) after all the bad things you said about it lol
    Castor recently posted..

  2. says:

    Yep, I would have to agree that it’s the weakest movie of the Step Up franchise. It was still a good dance movie, but I found myself switching off during chunks of the movie, which can’t be a good sign. It’s a pity, as I have to admit I thoroughly enjoyed the first two, as cheesy as they were.

  3. Pinar Tarhan says:

    Well, I liked the first one and the dancing was really good there. But I didn’t think anyone would make a sequel, let alone a third movie- in 3D!

    But based on your so-bad-it-is-good verdict, I might give it a chance. What can I say I love those impossible moves! I have been a fan of the genre ever since I saw Dirty Dancing (but I refuse to see Dirty Dancing 2!) and I also loved Antonio Banderas’ Take The Lead.

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  5. CMrok93 says:

    It’s story, acting, and everything else that has to make a great movie fails, but the dancing is fun, mixed with dazzling visuals, makes for a great viewing. Check out my review when you can!
    CMrok93 recently posted..Step Up 3-D 2010

  6. Heather says:

    These movies are essentially terrible, but if what you are going for is good dancing and campy fun with good looking people doing it, then like you said it deserves it’s own separate rating. Comparing it to real movies isn’t quite fair when it’s point has been to find an outlet to celebrate pretty people and dance.
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