5 Responses to “Jared Harris Joins Cast of ‘Sherlock Holmes 2′”

  1. Univarn says:

    The second they hired Stephen Fry for SH2 I was completely sold on it. I rather like this hiring. He’s a talented character actor whose proven he’s not just his father’s son, but could use a big tentpole film with which to display his talents. He was great in Benjamin Button, and I’m quite interested to see what he does next.
    Univarn recently posted..

  2. Darren says:

    I guess Daniel Day Lewis was always wishful thinking. Remember the Brad Pitt rumour from not too long ago (that he’d actually filmed inserts)?
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    • Fitz says:

      I never bought that, Pitt is busy enough as it is, why would he do Sherlock Holmes 2? Harris should be a wonderful addition to the cast. It will be nice to see him let loose with a villain role after playing stiff upper-lip so much on Mad Men.
      Fitz recently posted..

    • Heather says:

      DDL would have been nice, but definitely wishful thinking. Even the idea of Brad Pitt was pretty engaging!
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  3. Castor says:

    A bit disappointing given all the huge names thrown around the past few months but hey, good for Harris. Looking forward to see what he can do!
    Castor recently posted..
