8 Responses to “Review: Love and Other Drugs (2010)”

  1. Heather says:

    Uggh you know how I feel about rom-coms, but I like Jakers enough to have tolerate some pretty less than good movies that he’s been in, and then there’s Anne Hathaway, and I’d watch her change the cat litter. Your review isn’t too harsh either and it sounds like they at least got some of the “Com” part of the story right, so I’ll probably check it out when it hits DVD.

    • There’s a good amount of “com”, but beware the last twenty or so minutes. PAINFUL and almost capsizes the whole thing.

  2. Castor says:

    I’m surprised at how mediocre the reviews have been for this movie since it was somewhat expected to be in contention for some end of year awards. Guess that ain’t happening now lol
    Castor recently posted..

    • Anne Hathaway is great and everything, but just because she has emotional outbursts and occasionally tremorfies does not mean she deserves any awards. I wouldn’t be shocked if she wins one in the future though, Hollywood and the public at large is starting to get really boned up about her.
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  3. amy says:

    okay, glad to know you guys didn’t hate it. Considering the other bad reviews.

  4. CMrok93 says:

    It does a good job with its two leads performances, their chemistry really is the core of this film. However, it does fall into plenty of cliches, and just gets very muddled by the end, with sappy crap.
    CMrok93 recently posted..Love and Other Drugs 2010

  5. This is another one that sounds like I might never see it, I don’t know Anne Hathaway does nothing for me.

    I used to love Hanka Azaria on Huff though.
    Encore Entertainment recently posted..Wow

  6. Amy says:

    Thanks for this post! It was really interesting lecture.
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