16 Responses to “Top Ten Worst Ben Affleck Movies”

  1. Rob says:

    I completely agree with your assessments on ALL of these movies. Right down to the caveat that Charlize Theron made Reindeer Games watchable. So glad they have moved to remake/reboot the Daredevil movie/franchise. Colin Farrell turned Bullseye into a Fetish artist criminal and that stuff is unforgivable. I really hope Ryan Reynolds doesn’t continue to ruin Deadpool as he did in X-Men Origins: Wolverine.

    • Heather says:

      I can’t say his role was prevalent enough in Wolverine to say he destroyed it. We only saw Reynolds himself for a fleeting few minutes. Time will tell on that one.

  2. marc says:

    ….gobble gobble….

    • Heather says:

      Yub Yub

  3. Castor says:

    Ahaha it’s quite something when you can make a top 10 worst movies for any actor. At least, Affleck is on the way back up in terms of street cred the past few years ;)

    Now I can’t disagree with any of those although I would probably have Daredevil higher on the list.
    Castor recently posted..

    • Heather says:

      I agree he’s gotten a bit wiser in age with his choices, but it’s a shame he has so many bad ones. It was shocking when I was compiling the list.

  4. Anna says:

    I’d buried some of these in the furthest corners of my mind…

    Armageddon wasn’t that bad. If you’re a 15 year old girl.
    Anna recently posted..7 Forgotten Favourites of the 1990′s

    • Heather says:

      When it came out I was of an age that I should have loved it. I hated it then and my hatred has progressed with time. I’m not even convinced my animosity for the flick is at all reasonable anymore.

  5. Bartleby says:

    Good list Heather. I have intense dislike for every one of these movies. But you are totally right on about the top pick being Armageddon. I too have such an intense hatred for it that I wonder if it isn’t time to reassess just to see to prove to myself it’s not the worst movie ever made. Then I remember the animal crackers, the machine guns on the rover vehicles, Michael Clarke Duncan in a thong, and realize that I’m not that anxious to prove myself wrong.

    Like you said, I was also at the key demographic age to be wowed. I even went on the afternoon of the opening day, with my little sis in tow and were both blown away by how awful it was. That, coupled with Godzilla the same summer, might have signaled the death knell of the summer blockbuster for me.

    I’m pretty sure that it’s not even Bay’s worst movie but it just feels insulting on every single level. Affleck was horrendous in it as well, barely seeming to be in character for most of the scenes. I’d like to think we can link the tragic Bayification of cinema directly to Armageddon.

  6. Kaiderman says:

    You’re so wrong with Armageddon and Jersey Girl but I’m just happy you’re listing again!
    Kaiderman recently posted..THE LIST IS ON VACATION

  7. Univarn says:

    I resent the notion that our lord and savior Ben Affleck – ALL HAIL AFFLECK! – has ever made a bad film. The man makes masterpieces while wetting the bed in the middle of his dreams – most people can’t even do half of that! HALF! So take your blasphemy ways and begone evildoer!
    Univarn recently posted..

  8. Simon says:

    ARMAGEDDON is cheesy as hell, but i don’t think thats Afflecks fault. Maybe it is.
    Simon recently posted..A-Z- 70 Easy Rider

  9. Simon says:

    ARMAGEDDON isn’t that bad! I mean, it’s cheesy, but thats not Ben Afflecks fault … is it? I always though that was Michael Bay’s fault.
    Simon recently posted..A-Z- 70 Easy Rider

  10. Eric says:

    Haha, great list! It’s unfortunate that a guy who seems like a decent enough person is in so many terrible movies. I have only seen a few of these (thankfully), but I am totally with you on Daredevil. I’m not sure what happened there, but it was just terrible.

  11. sundryandco says:

    He really does have a weighty catalogue of dodgy films, doesn’t he? I’ve yet to see Forces of Nature. Or have I. Maybe it was so awful that my brain has compartmentalised it into “Forgotten”. I can’t even remember one of his scenes from He’s Just Not That Into You :O
    In a way, it’s quite reassuring that a person can go through a patch of such terrible creations and create/star in some great films again! There’s hope for all of us!

  12. He’s nobodies favorite actor, that’s for sure. But he’s roaring out of the gate a director.

    Most of these movies are so bad I’ve stayed away from them in the first place.

    I’m in the camp of “Daredevil wasn’t as bad as people make it out to be” though.
