4 Responses to “DVD Review: Burning Bright (2010)”

  1. Jim says:

    Nice review, I have never heard of this movie. I thought I was in the loop for most movies so thanks for letting me know about this. I will be adding this to my Netflix queue.

  2. I watched the trailer for this on Netflix, and I had to put it at the top of my queue immediately. It’s almost too original and intriguing to pass up. Thankfully, you seem to have dug it and we’re almost in the same taste category, so that bodes well.

    Briana Evigan was also in Step Up 2 The Streets, that’s how I (and probably Captain Kai B. Parker) know her.

  3. Rodney says:

    Looks somewhat like a reverse Cujo. It looks interesting. Might have to pick it up!
    Rodney recently posted..Movie Review – Kick-Ass

  4. The review makes this sound very interesting, I’ve never heard of it though/
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