12 Responses to “News: Katie Holmes Joins Cast of ‘Jack and Jill’”

  1. Heather says:

    Pacino hasn’t really delivered a lot of solid work lately, and Sandler is hit and miss. That being said…………I can’t stand Katie Holmes and was quite literally the one thing I didn’t like about Batman Begins. I have less than a breath of interest in this. :(
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    • Fitz says:

      Sometimes I think that Nolan should digitally replace Holmes with Gyllenhaal. She was the only flaw in that film.
      Fitz recently posted..

      • Jim says:

        I totally agree she was miscast in that film but I think that she can pull off comedy and this role may just the perfect one for her. I would much rather see Katie Holmes in a comedy like this than ever watch Katherine Heigl AGAIN in anything.

        • Heather says:

          She’s only good if we’re throwing tomatoes at her.

          • Damn, you people are tough. Although I prefer Gylenhaal I thought Holmes was a better fit in the franchise. She’s bad in Mad Money, but everyone is, and she was fine in Pieces of April…I’m not anxious but it sounds interesting.
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    • Peter E. says:

      Pacino does nothing but give stellar performances, even when in the lousy films (88 Minutes, Righteous Kill, Simone). His HBO film was extraordinary, his Shylock in Merchant of Venice was amazing, Loved him in Insomnia. Now we get to see more of his comedy chops, which I am looking forward to seeing — even if I do have to suffer through watching Sandler once again.

      • Jim says:

        I agree, suffering through Adam Sandler is bad but Pacino makes it worthwhile.

      • Pacino’s Shylock is brilliant, that interpretation of Merchant of Venice is vastly underrated.
        Encore Entertainment recently posted..Movie Meme- Day 30- Saddest Death Scene

  2. says:

    When I read about this at first, I thought oh my goodness, Pacino has stooped to a new low. I mean I know his last few movies haven’t been great, but this, this…I just don’t know what to say.

    • Jim says:

      I know Pacino has definitely gone down hill but I keep thinking back to his great films like Scarface and just hope for greatness. I also think that he has not done a lot of comedy and if it can work for DeNiro in the Meet The Parents franchise then it may work for Pacino.

      • Peter E. says:

        The difference is deNiro will milk that cow til it’s dry (see the dreadful trailer for the new Fockers? Didn’t they use the joke enough times in the first one?). Pacino would not. he will continue to go back to the stage, challenge himself and hone his craft – not just get the paycheck. deNiro would never be caught dead on the New York stage, unless he was accepting an award.

      • Heather says:

        DeNiro is still doing exceptional work in the midst of the crap he does as well. I just feel like Al lets himself get typecast sometimes, but he’s still one of the greatest actors to ever walk the planet.
