18 Responses to “Review: Speed Racer (2008)”

  1. Fair review. I didn’t even bother with the story as the Blu Ray pic was just so epic I kept staring at the pretty pretty scenes, oblivious to anything else happening.

    Didn’t know whether I was tripping or having a fit. Would definitely be a hundred times better on drugs. Lots of drugs.

    Note: only when researching this did I realise that Larry Wachowski is now a woman; LANA Wachowski. Google that name and check the pics… very interesting.

    • Heather says:

      I can imagine it would be quite the experience, just as I had wished I had been able to see it on the theater.

      On Wachowski………..I’m going to search now.

    • That was almost a Paragraph Fil Review… COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT AVOIDED!

      • I,,,can’t…spell…

  2. Aiden R. says:

    I’ve been hearing awesome things about this movie since I started by blog and I have no idea why. This looked like eye candy at best, and I think my sentiments are gonna be more inline with yours, but strange all the same. Good review, gotta see this for myself apparently.

    • Heather says:

      I think Paragraph Films got it right. To be properly enjoyed hallucinogenics should be involved, otherwise my lukewarm appreciation for what was achieved is about the best one can expect.

  3. I only saw this cuz the Wachowskis did it… I have no affinity for the source material… but, I was actually pleasantly surprised with the film. It was fun… coulda done without the monkey though I’m sure it’s from the cartoon.

    • Heather says:

      My biggest problem was actually with how boring the first half was. Totally shocking.

  4. Univarn says:

    I remember sitting in the theater watching this movie. I was trying to process the floating heads, shiny images, and disconnected sequences when suddenly my head exploded. I’ve yet to fully recover.

    Great review :)

    • Heather says:

      Some awful things cannot be undone.

      Thanks Univarn.

  5. Marc says:

    I didn’t hate this but I believe the Wachowski’s spent too much time (and money mainly) making a film to appeal to die hard fans of the series. It went over the heads of a lot of non fans.

    Ballsy approach though it would have benefited from adapting it and not going for a shot for shot recreation like 300 or Sin City…also betting casting all around wouldn’t hurt either:P

    • Heather says:

      I got the feeling it was created more for that, which is why it didn’t appeal to me as much. It was pretty, but beyond that I had no connection with it.

  6. Steve says:

    Heather, I’m so glad you decided to review this title, but jeez, why don’t you tell me one of your favourite blurays so I can dump all over it? Okay, it may not be one of my favourites, but it was the movie I decided would be the first bluray I would buy before I even owned a bluray player. Despite its laundry list of flaws including Rain and “non-ja” jokes, it’s painted with exactly the colour palette I wish the whole world was painted with. There’s also something transcendent about the way the movie ends, and something so weird about how it creeps up on you too.

    If I was gonna read anybody eviscerating it, I’m glad it was you… watch your back come June though. ;)

    • Heather says:

      I don’t know the magic of it on Blu-Ray! I think I mentioned in my review that I had wished I could have seen it on the Big Screen. It was visually stunning, and by the second half got considerably better, but the first forty minutes was MIND NUMBING for me.

      And I liked the “Non-ja” jokes. Teehee.

      Bring it on! I’m ready! If it’s Avatar you want to blast I may draw blood, just saying.

      • Jim says:

        I saw it on the big screen and it was like biting into a juicy explosion of fruity color, pretty decent film!

  7. Red says:

    I was very disappointed with this movie. As you leaned towards, the first half of the movie was soooo slow, and then by the time the second half came around, I was just wanting it to end.

  8. Red says:

    Also, the reminds me that it’s been a couple years since Ricci has put out anything for us to watch. Other than Monster, this decade hasn’t treated her so well, especially compared to the 90s.

  9. James Ewing says:

    Oddly, I really like this film. In fact, I think it’s the best think the Wachowski’s have done.

    I think the opening 40 minutes do a great job of setting up all the characters and backstory while also giving us some amazing, trippy action. Yes, the style is at the forefront but I think it’s what makes the film such a blast to watch. It’s one of those films I can pick up in a moment and enjoy from beginning to end.
    James Ewing recently posted..The Twilight Saga- Eclipse 2010

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