14 Responses to “Throwback Tuesday: Meet Joe Black (1998)”

  1. FRC Ruben says:

    I don’t see myself ever watching this ….. but I do love Clare Forlani ….. I’d say that Lisa Loeb and Forlani started the whole cute-hipster-chick-with-glasses thing that still exists today.
    FRC Ruben recently posted..Quote of the Day Romantic Redneck Edition

    • Heather says:

      I’m not exactly sure why it has negativity attached to it over the years, aside from the length, it’s an extremely well acted character film and I am utterly in LOVE with Sir Anthony in it.
      Heather recently posted..The A-Team Belated 2010

  2. I haven’t seen this in a while but Brad and Anthony are a great duo.

    PS. Look at young Brad when he was a pretty man before he became a grunged up “serious” actor.
    Encore Entertainment recently posted..TV Meme- Day 28- First TV Show Obsession

    • FRC Ruben says:

      Brad was still pretty grungy and serious at this point. Post 12 Monkeys and 7 Years in Tibet (and Se7en — the # trilogy)
      FRC Ruben recently posted..Star Trek II- The Wrath of Khan

    • Heather says:

      I really enjoyed them together, and for not usually loving Forlani, she was a good lead in this, though she squints too often for my taste. You can see when she’s trying to look introspective she squints. I do the same thing when I try and smile bigger at someone. We just end up looking sleepy or constipated.

  3. Jeff says:

    Brad Pitt’s best movie!

  4. Fitz says:

    I couldn’t watch this. Just couldn’t.
    Fitz recently posted..

  5. says:

    I thought the movie was only okay. As I have a really bad short-term memory and as I saw the movie over 10 years ago, I can’t remember much of it to be honest! And I’m probably the only woman on the planet who doesn’t fancy Brad Pitt?!
    Olive recently posted..

  6. Steve says:

    Yeah, the length definitely falls in the “comfort zone” for me. I’d call this movie a guilty pleasure, but it really isn’t “bad” enough in any particular sense for me to feel guilty about anything – it just isn’t the kind of thing I’d figure I’d like.

    My favourite scene is the peanut butter tasting. Totally sets the standard for whimsy – hokeyness meets the unknown forces of the supernatural.

    The music is top shelf and this is where you can always go when you wanna get your hands on that Over The Rainbow cover that people love so much.
