36 Responses to “Throwback Tuesday: Minority Report (2002)”

  1. Dan says:

    I remember really enjoying this film in the theatre. It’s one of those films that’s just better up there on the big-screen…you could probabyl say that for all of Spielberg’s work, especially the stuff he’s done since Jurassic Park.
    Dan recently posted..The Versatile Blogger Award

    • Heather says:

      I wish I had seen it in the theater. I think I would have had a much better appreciation for it initially.
      Heather recently posted..“Devil” Trailer

      • Dan says:

        Well I think War of The World’s suffered the cinema versus living room TV syndrome. At the cinema = Ace. At home = average.

        …of course, Sideways is great whether you watch it on the big screen or whether you watch it on an iPhone! ;)
        Dan recently posted..The Versatile Blogger Award

  2. Three stars Heather? I’ll probably irk many, but Minority Report is my favourite Spielberg film. With excellent work from Cruise and especially Morton and good supporting turns from Farrell, Von Sydow and Capshaw this film is just so taut, so well written and so exciting I can’t help but love it – to exccess.

    • Heather says:

      I could see how it would be someones favorite. It isn’t mine for several reason, but one mans garbage is another mans treasure!
      Heather recently posted..“Devil” Trailer

  3. Univarn says:

    I quite enjoyed this. These days it gets a bad wrap among people I know for its “Spielberg Ending” (where everything comes full circle, and ultimately ends up happily ever after – or as I call this argument, sad people who enjoy being depressed all the time whining)

    Some of the effects haven’t held up quite as well (namely the jetpack scene) but for the post I love the way it’s handled, and presented. Throws some good twists, and how often do you see the spinning interactive computer in movies these days? They’re everywhere! Real groundbreaker. And an underrated plot line.
    Univarn recently posted..

    • Heather says:

      I don’t mind the Spielberg ending when you’ve been dragged through hell! You kinda need that payoff, and generally he makes them plausible enough in the universes he creates that it doesn’t ruin a movie. I agree, some people are just negative nancy’s.
      Heather recently posted..“Devil” Trailer

  4. says:

    *raises his hand*

    Yo teach?

    What’s this negative criticisms you speak of? I remember the summer of 2002 being one where many were bemoaning the overabundance of digital effects (SPIDER-MAN, ATTACK OF THE CLONES)…and then many pointing to this film as a salvation of actual actors working on actual sets.

    Did I forget something??

    Love this movie by the way – for absolutely every reason you mention!
    Mad Hatter recently posted..

    • Heather says:

      I worked in a video store that year and I recall recommending this pretty heavily to people, and the response was not at all positive. People complained it was too complicated, or refused to watch it because they didn’t like Tom Cruise, or that the movie was so dark. I remember being pretty shocked. At the time I didn’t necessarily appreciate what it had achieved, but I knew it was a good movie. It was such a strong negative reaction that it’s stuck with me for all these years.
      Heather recently posted..“Devil” Trailer

      • says:

        Strange that people were turning down Cruise, given that he was still a few years away from jumping on oprah’s couch when MINORITY came out.

        As for “too complicated”…I can’t speak for your customers’ lack of attention span. I mean it’s not like you were recommending they watch MULHOLLAND DRIVE – MINORITY REPORT is pretty straightforward wouldntyasay?
        Mad Hatter recently posted..

        • Heather says:

          You wouldn’t believe the movies that people came back with complaints about.

          12 Monkeys was the worst. I at two separate stores had people as for refunds because it made no sense to them. ha!

          People have disliked Cruise for a long time. He started to irk me long before the Oprah incident as well, but I still loved him as an actor, and I still do in fact.

          • Maybe it was because Nicole Kidman left him. He has always annoyed me, and that was sort of the last straw (heh). I still think he’s an okay actor, though. This is his best for me, though.
            Encore Entertainment recently posted..Encore’s Greatest Voices- 20-11

          • Heather says:

            Leaving Nicole Kidman is asinine. She’s a damn goddess, and still so much like an old school movie star. I adore her.

          • Yeah, she is a goddess. I have a feeling that he had a complex about being shorter than her, he seems like the type.
            Encore Entertainment recently posted..Encore’s Greatest Voices- 20-11

          • Heather says:

            Yeah but isn’t Dawsons Creek like way taller than him too?

  5. Fitz says:

    I need to give this another go. I haven’t seen it since it came out on DVD.
    Fitz recently posted..

    • Heather says:

      Definitely do. As Univarn pointed out, some of the effects haven’t held up, but the effectiveness of the performances and story will blow you away.
      Heather recently posted..“Devil” Trailer

      • The performances are a big part of why I like it. Understated sci-fi with good performances (a bit like the very excellent Gattaca).
        Encore Entertainment recently posted..Encore’s Greatest Voices- 20-11

  6. James Ewing says:

    I really dig this film. It’s not perfect but it’s got a great balance of action and exposition and ends up being a thought-provoking picture. In fact, it’s probably my favorite sci-fi film of the last decade.
    James Ewing recently posted..Cyrus 2010

    • Heather says:

      For me it ends up there somewhere directly behind Serenity and Pitch Black. It is easily one of the best science fiction movies of the decade.
      Heather recently posted..“Devil” Trailer

  7. moviejunkie says:

    I didn’t like this the first few times I saw it. I also remember not liking Colin Ferrell very much either at that time. Now, I’ve realized it’s one of the best science fiction movies around after not much good has happened with Sci-Fi in the past decade.

    • Heather says:

      It took awhile for Colin Farrell to grow on me, but his role isn’t pertinent enough to sway my feelings about the movie anyway.
      Heather recently posted..“Devil” Trailer

  8. I love Minority Report more than I love my Marlboros, and I’m a man who *cough cough cough cough* loves my Marlboros.
    Jonathan Sullivan recently posted..“Devil” Trailer

  9. Red says:

    I think this movie is forgotten pretty easily, which is a shame because it really is one of the better sci-fi movies of the past decade. Not only was the story great, but the futuristic setting that is displayed. Oh, and the chase scene in the mall is easily one of my favorite scenes from any genre the past decade.

    • Heather says:

      You are right Red. It’s such an intense scene!!!!!!! I would go so far as to say one of the best action moments ever.
      Heather recently posted..“Devil” Trailer

  10. Castor says:

    I enjoyed Minority Report although it does drag on a little too much (as do most Spielberg movies). Definitely one of Tom Cruise best performance and I definitely agree that the sci-fi/thriller combination made it a quite unique and entertaining film. Where are all the sci-fis anyway?
    Castor recently posted..

    • Heather says:

      Aside from Serenity and the rebooted Star Trek, there has been Sunshine and Pitch Black…………..but I can’t not too many real quality ones of the past decade. There of course is my lingering disappointment in War Of The Worlds, which one day I may eventually shut the hell up about.

      • says:

        Awesome 00′s sci-fi…

        DISTRICT 9
        28 DAYS LATER
        28 WEEKS LATER
        Mad Hatter recently posted..

        • Heather says:

          I cannot speak for Moon or Splice yet, but Children of Men and District 9 WERE incredible. Donnie Darko is a good one, but not one most people will appreciate. A.I. I wasn’t too fond of, though it was a respectable attempt at A LOT of things. I hadn’t considered 28 Days and Weeks later. Good call there Hatter. Thanks for bringing all these up.

  11. rtm says:

    This is probably one of my favorites Cruise flicks and a few that I actually own. Amazing how it still looks ‘futuristic’ even today, though some of the gadgets they featured are now available (http://www.wired.com/gadgetlab/2008/11/four-future-gad) Lots of great scenes in this movies, the one that creeped me out was how the advertisements know who you are and can target an individual specifically, I don’t think we’re far from that either. I also like the umbrella scene when John was with one of the Precors.

    It’s also the first time I saw Colin Farell, and definitely liked him here.
    rtm recently posted..A Flix Odyssey – From Vision to Film- Batman Begins

    • Heather says:

      Definitely innovative thinking here. There was so much that was not only profound, but new. Total Recall felt that way once before, and now it’s technology isn’t exactly far from reality.

  12. says:

    Enjoyed this too and it’s one of the few Tom Cruise performances I can tolerate. I would have to disagree with some of the comments that it’s Spielberg’s best movie. It’s definitely one of his better ones, but for me Saving Private Ryan, Schindler’s List, Jaws excel.

  13. Aiden R. says:

    I just re-bought this recently after my first copy got stolen a couple years ago, high time I finally got around to watching it again. I remember Ebert and Roeper touting this as the best movie of the year like it was God’s gift to man, and while it is awesome, I need a refresher course to see if they’re right. God, those cars were the effing bomb.
    Aiden R. recently posted..Cowboy Bebop- The Movie 2001



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