4 Responses to “Review: Ramona and Beezus (2010)”

  1. Jim says:

    This looks like a decent option for families this weekend. I will not be seeing this but, thanks for the review.

  2. Heather says:

    I adored these books as a kid. I couldn’t help but get caught up in them, taking two home from the library (hey kids do you know what that is?????) every week and reading them like they were the only source of food in the universe. I’m never all that enthused about book to film adaptations (save a handful), but it sounds like if even cliche this film is worth a good family viewing and the characters were handled respectably even if they didn’t contain their written whimsy.
    Heather recently posted..Review- A Town Called Panic 2009

  3. I’ve never heard of this (or its source).

  4. I loved the books. I think that Beverly Cleary is such a great author and has done a lot of good. Plus she’s still alive! The movie is good. Not great but a good kid film and book adaptation.
    Travis McCollum recently posted..
