11 Responses to “DVD Review: Batman: Under the Red Hood (2010)”

  1. Just heard about this 10 minutes before I saw your post. Sounds like a fun DVD!
    Kai B. Parker recently posted..RANKING CHRISTOPHER NOLAN’S FILMS

  2. Fitz says:

    Was hesitant about this film at first but the sneak peeks sold it. Never would’ve thought that someone besides Conroy and Hamill could pull of Batman and Joker.
    Fitz recently posted..

  3. I absolutely LOVE DC’s animation branch. On the whole, their releases have been excellent. As a comic nerd, I read this arc when it first came out in issue form many moons ago, and I’m interested to see how it comes out. I watched the sneak preview of it on the Justice League Crisis on Two Earths DVD and it looked solid; the fact that Judd Winick also wrote the movie version (he wrote the original story) makes me happy. It’s his story, he knows what he is doing.

  4. Fitz says:

    Apparently Frank Miller’s Year One will receive the DCU treatment next year.
    Fitz recently posted..

    • That… is… awesome.
      Hopefully, The Dark Knight Returns isn’t too far behind!
      Kai B. Parker recently posted..THE HAPPY 101 AWARD

  5. Darren says:

    Yep, I love the Warner Brothers animated DC films. Now if only they could get a live action film half as good started. The only problem is that they are far too short, coming in at about an hour and fifteen minutes.

    If you enjoyed this, might I recommend New Frontier? It’s a Justice League origin story that is stunningly well put together.
    Darren recently posted..Non-Review Review- Futurama – Bender’s Big Score

    • To do a live action film like this would require a budget only James Cameron could demand and be successful in obtaining. I also love that they are short; it’s well done, well acted, interesting, and it doesn’t have the chance to wear out its welcome.

    • Bartleby says:

      I loved the pure retro goodness of New Frontier. The animation seemed a little less streamlined and slick than Red Hood, but it was good nonetheless. The sequences that had the Justice League fighting dinosaurs was like an instant blast back to childhood and paging through cover-less, yellow-paged comics I found in the basement.

      While live action always seems so enticing for these things, I jhave always felt that animation was the best method for truly catpuring the spirit of these stories.

      With animation, we can admire the voicework of Boreanz as Hal Jordan and not worry abotu whether or not Boreanz is too tall, short, thin or heavy to be a proper Jordan. By and large, we can just focus on the story and see the charactrs in a similar state to which we first enountered them.

      I enjoy the live-action films as experiments, and usually the more artistic divergences they take, the better. If I’m looking to curl up with the characters I know and love, give me some of these DC produced ‘cartoon’ movies anyday.

      I’m hoping they eventually get the budget and running time they deserve.
      Bartleby recently posted..Baltimore Bits-The binary suns set on The Senator Theatre one last time

  6. I love the animated Batman films. Always have always will. I thought this was well written, true to the source material, dramatic, funny, intriguing and a damn good film.
    Travis McCollum recently posted..

  7. Proof that Batman rocks: We get versions of him from Adam West, Tim Burton, Chris Nolan, Frank Miller, the animated series, the Justice League and Scooby Doo and love them all.
    Kai B. Parker recently posted..THE HAPPY 101 AWARD
