8 Responses to “Review: The Town (2010)”

  1. ruth says:

    Wow, great review! I was kind of meh about the trailer though I’ve been anticipating this ever since it was announced. Glad to hear the movie is more than just worth watching. Affleck has proven himself an adept director with Gone, Baby Gone, and looks like The Town solidifies that even more. Looks like it’s got the ingredients to make a movie I’d love to watch… love story, heist, car chases, and gritty scenery. I was disappointed with Public Enemies, but from your review, this one doesn’t sound like it would be as dull.
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    • Jim says:

      I enjoyed The Town so much! Great characters, story, tension and cinematography. Loved Affleck’s acting & direction. The accents were spot on except for Hamm’s in my opinion.

      Jeremy Renner was awesome in this. His intensity was fabulous and he stole the scenes he was in.

  2. Fitz says:

    I didn’t think Hamm was supposed to be have been doing an accent.

    BTW how creepy was Postlethwaite?
    Fitz recently posted..

  3. blake says:

    I liked your review so much, I quoted a bit of it. I hope that’s okay!

  4. Castor says:

    Loved it, it was thrilling and entertaining. Ben Affleck is really showing great potential as a filmmaker. Loved Jeremy Renner in this, so wild and unpredictable!
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  5. Marc says:

    Seems I’m the only one not on the bandwagon. It was just so shallow, run of the mill and that forced love story just took me out of it. Renner rocked his role as did Hamm. But for supposed pro bank robbers they had surprisingly few to their credit, didn’t seem like a tight knit group. Ah well, maybe it’s just me.

  6. Julz says:

    GREAT MOVIE! Does anyone recall the specific wording of the quote at the end of the movie spoken by Ben Affleck’s character.. “People can change but they’ll always have to pay for their past” — is that correct?!?

  7. Films says:

    Ben Affleck sure has come a long way from his days as Matt Damon’s apparently goofy sidekick.
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