9 Responses to “Top Ten Films of 2011: Year in Review”

  1. Embarrassingly I’ve yet to see many of the films on this list. Another Earth in now on my must see list though. I may watch Rango again too :D
    The Expendables 2 recently posted..The Expendables 2 Workout Of Terry Crews

  2. Jack Russel says:

    All the movies you listed are amazing movies, I have watched some of them but majority not yet. In my opinion, I vote for Midnight in Paris as this movie make me fall in love again to my wife :-)
    Jack Russel recently posted..LG 55LW5600 Review

    • xiphos says:

      If you haven’t seen a majority of the movies on the list how do you know they’re amazing?

      • Jack Russel says:

        Hi Xiphos, I knew they are amazing as I have watched the trailer of those movies especially the English language movies. I usually watch the DVD if I miss the movie at theater. thanks
        Jack Russel recently posted..LG 55LW5600 Review

        • xiphos says:

          it’s rare that trailers and their movies have much in common. Trailers are designed to get peoples butts into a seat so the only way to truly judge the quality of a movie is to, you know, actually see the movie.

  3. TheVern says:

    Great list. I agree with all of your choices.

    Hugo and TinTin are ones I still need to see on the English Langauge side. Troll Hunter and The Illuisonist are the only two I have seen on the Foregin side. I’ll have to wait to rent a lot of those sense they did did not play in theatres where I live (Sorry for my mispells)
    TheVern recently posted..

  4. TheVern says:

    Wait I did see 13 Assassins in thatres. Also a good one.
    TheVern recently posted..

  5. jared says:

    love your site! i can’t wait to see midnight in paris. have you guys seen hanna yet?

    ps: id love to do a movie podcast with some folks from this site, shoot me an email at
    jared recently posted..86- Hanna [9.0]

  6. Vernon says:

    I love rango and the adventure of tintin. This list are very useful for the movie marathon this New Years Eve.. Haha.
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