5 Responses to “Mafia News and The Oscars”

  1. Andy says:

    Read this on the LAMB, just deciding on my last two predictions before I submit mine.

  2. Well, i have to say, i think that the oscars are great to look at, and i truly thought that hurt locker is a great movie to watch!

  3. Julian says:

    Sounds like a good idea to me. I love winning competitions.
    Julian recently posted..Skycom-20mbfree

  4. Everyone who rags on the Academy Awards need to get over themselves. All of these movies this year are brilliant and no one should be disappointed in the winners. If the movies bore you to tears maybe you should skip movies with taste and go watch Madea Goes to Jail and call it a night.

  5. deals says:

    Is this being run again? I played last year and didnt win but would love to take part again was fun.
