7 Responses to “Monster Madness: Creature #30”

  1. FRC Ruben says:

    oooh first comment —

    Audrey 2 goood.
    FRC Ruben recently posted..Alice in Wonderland (2010) [Part 1]

  2. Damn, 2nd comment. Little Shop of Horrors is sweet…Mean Green Mother…

  3. 3 is my favorite number… I love when I talk and Heather listens… YAY!
    Audrey rocks and this is one of my Top 10 remakes all time! Plus, I love that the chicks from House Party (or was it Martin) are in the Doowop group!
    “Total eclipse of the sun…” :)
    Kai B. Parker recently posted..I THINK I PEED A LITTLE

    • Oh, and Heather, this may be another candidate for offspring of the Sand Vagina Monster from Jedi! haha
      Kai B. Parker recently posted..I THINK I PEED A LITTLE

  4. Little Shop of Horrors is one of my favorite movie musicals of all-time. Completely outlandish, but amazing nonetheless. I want an Audrey II.

  5. FRC Ruben says:

    Can I get a Whoop Whoop for gigantor, mechanical costumes —- aahh, CGI of the 80′s.
    FRC Ruben recently posted..Alice in Wonderland (2010) [Part 2]

  6. Daniel says:

    Another fine choice… I want to Seymour just like it !!!

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