5 Responses to “News: Writers Hired For Fast-Tracked ‘TMNT’ Reboot”

  1. Heather says:

    I love the TMNT franchise and I’m really not going to pretend to be happy about this. It’s been tossed around quite a bit as of late and I actually enjoy the whole trilogy, so I want it left alone. But of course I have kids so I’ll probably see it anyway. But grudgingly.

    • Jim says:

      I’m sorry Heather, the only half way decent one was the first film.

      • Heather says:

        The first one is quite good! The second silly and fun, the third a bit exaggerated and a bit much, but overall it’s a respectable trilogy, especially when considering it’s geared for children, but at the same time not at all painful as an adult. I was a huge fan when I was a kid though.

  2. I think those films were horrible…I never really got TMNT. It was just all so…weird.
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  3. Róisín says:

    Holey moley, yes I’m excited! I was completely addicted to the TMHT cartoon as a child and spent many of my childhood hours dreaming about being one of them. I loved every character.
    I always wished Shredder wore his helmet less often than he did and I used to listen carefully to every piece of advice Splinter had to offer!

    I also always thought it was pretty cool to have someone representing us Irish, albeit in a yellow jumpsuit!

    I want a Krang tshirt :)

