23 Responses to “Review: The Ruins (2008)”

  1. Lady Mew says:

    As poor as a rating as this got, I am 100% confident that it would be better than Feast 2:Sloppy Seconds, or Feast 3:Happy Endings. Ken and I didn’t even watch the 3rd movie. We just fast forwarded to all the awesome kill scenes and then went to bed early. Hahaha.
    Your review makes me want to see it, if only for the fact that I love to laugh at cheesy B-horror films.

    • Heather says:

      Lady Mew. A glass of wine and few friends and I assure you laughter would be inevitable, and it is short enough that it’s not like you feel like life is lost. But there is utterly nothing coherent about it whatsoever.

  2. Jim says:

    Thank you Heather, you have saved me from wasting my time with this one. I was going to add it to my queue on Netflix. I do not think I will watch it now.

    • Heather says:

      It’s on FX and SyFy all the time anyway, so if you do want to waste away an afternoon, don’t spend a dollar on it at least!

  3. Castor says:

    I saw this movie recently myself on FX. This is absolutely dreadful and I can’t believe this was actually made into a movie. There is absolutely nothing that would make this a remotely scary movie. Vines eating people and acting like parrots? AHAHAHAH yea, I did have some good laughs myself.
    Castor recently posted..

  4. Simon/Ripley says:

    But it has Jena Malone! Surely she must redeem the thing a tad?
    Simon/Ripley recently posted..Thoughts on Mother

    • Castor says:

      I like Jena but no, this is completely irredeemable.
      Castor recently posted..

    • Jim says:

      Malone just proves that bad movies happen to good people.

  5. Kloipy says:

    yes the movie is quite bad, however, the book is actually terrifying. It fleshes out the characters beyond broad college cliches and is quite an astounding read. As a huge horror fan, I would highly endorse reading it
    Kloipy recently posted..The Whisper in the Classroom- Candyman

  6. For once, I have to disagree with you, Heather… I know. Crazy, right?
    I loved this film. You’re nuts but that’s why I heart ya! ;)
    Kai B. Parker recently posted..MILFcast aka- the Man- I Love Films podcast – Episode 4

    • Castor says:

      You know nothing
      Castor recently posted..

      • If I know nothing then I know something and your whole theory is rendered mute.
        DAMN I just went all psychological and philosophocal on yo ass! Droppin’ Science!!! :)
        Kai B. Parker recently posted..MILFcast aka- the Man- I Love Films podcast – Episode 4

        • Castor says:

          Ahaha you wish :)
          Castor recently posted..

  7. Fitz says:

    Lake Placid has Betty White telling Brendan Gleeson to suck her cock. Ruins has nothing.
    Fitz recently posted..

    • Heather says:

      Good Form Fitz, good form.

  8. says:

    Man this movie was awful. I felt bad for Malone and Ashmore halfway through. I thought the reason they have agents is to avoid crap like this.
    CS recently posted..

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