7 Responses to “Review: Sanctum (2011)”

  1. I keep hearing that this is a James Cameron film which annoys me to no end. If he didn’t direct it than it isn’t his film. His name actually steers me away from things nowadays and I find him irritating and annoying. I think I liked this one better when it had monsters and was called The Descent.
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  2. Dan says:

    I keep getting put off by the whole James Cameron film thing. I know what they are trying to do with the marketing campaign but it stinks of a bad film waiting to happen. I’ll wait for it to appear on VHS.
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  3. Sarah S says:

    first time here and I just wanted to stop by to say Hi.

  4. Sanctum Fan says:

    I like this move very much and all James Cameron films,there projects are very big and interesting.

  5. Dan B says:

    Hi, why this film just got 2 stars in this site? I love Sanctum and already watching 2 two times :)
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  6. Jill Delgado says:

    Hi, why this film just got 2 stars in this site? I know what they are trying to do with the marketing campaign but it stinks of a bad film waiting to happen. I like this move very much and all James Cameron films,there projects are very big and interesting.
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