7 Responses to “Adventures in Hulu: L.A. Dragnet (2003-2004)”

  1. I guess that goes to show how obviously I’m NOT an American. I hate when the bad guy loses (travels all the way back the childhood when I hope Wiley Coyote would just break that Road Runner’s neck, beep beep). Hee. Overshare.

  2. Dragnet was a good show but definitely lost steam in the second season. I like this adventuring in Hulu thing though. Keep it up.

    • It sucks how so many shows can’t keep it up in the second season, especially procedurals.

  3. Hey, that’s Wrong Turns’ Desmond Harrington. Holy crap! I totally remember this horrible show!
    Kai B. Parker recently posted..THE HAPPY 101 AWARD

  4. eva longoria is the best latina that i have ever seen, she has a pretty face and a nice slim body ..

  5. what i like about eva longoria is her super great complexion and a nice sexy body -.`

  6. Dragnet was a good show but definitely lost steam in the second season. I like this adventuring in Hulu thing though. Keep it up.
