62 Responses to “Review: Piranha 3D (2010)”

  1. Marc says:

    Spot on Jon and I think we’re pretty much in agreement (after reading your opening statement I thought I was reading my own review actually). Shocking gore and nudity, this movie doesn’t try to hide what it is – a throwback to the B-Movies we all can’t help but enjoy as a guilty pleasure. But you’re right about the upcharge on the 3D glasses, pretty much a ripoff!!
    To me this is how I view something like G.I. Joe: the Rise of Cobra; not a good movie but fun as hell and the eye candy makes up for the lack of plot:)
    Marc recently posted..G-S-T Review…Pirahna 3D

  2. I’ll be checking this one out, I just don’t know when exactly. I’m still burned out a bit from the TAD festival. It just looks like cheesy good fun and anything that is a throwback to bad B-movies is a movie for me!
    The Film Reel recently posted..Toronto After Dark 2010 – The Final Friday!

  3. I really ashamed I’m not seeing this this weekend… especially when you say things like BOOBS IN 3D! WTF? Done and done!
    Kai B. Parker recently posted..IS IT JUST ME

  4. Darren says:

    Yep, it looks dodgy – like the kinda movie you should watching direct-to-video or even direct-to-sci-fi.
    Darren recently posted..Wet Blogathon- I Wish It Would Rain Down…

  5. Seriously…can’t Elizabeth Shue get a good role again?
    Encore Entertainment recently posted..Loved Getting Wet Just Now- Blogathon

  6. I feel like you guys are missing the point. This seems like a film that knows it looks like a straight to DVD and is playing off of that. I heard Richard Dreyfuss is fishing and drinking Amity Beer in the beginning of the film… COME ON! AWESOME!!!
    Kai B. Parker recently posted..SCENES THAT KICK ASS 8- STEP UP 2 THE STREETS

    • If it had been cheap 3D to go with the cheap filmmaking, I think it would’ve worked better for me. I feel like I needed cardboard red/blue glasses to really enjoy it the way I wanted to. Crossing my fingers for the DVD release to have them.

  7. Peter E. says:

    so funny reading all the hetero comments here. BOOBS IN 3D!!! Awesome. I was just thinking it, but you guys had the 3D balls to say it. Good review….pretty much what is expected from this. Will check it out just for some laughs, and yes….3D boobs.

  8. If you want some real over the top gore and ridiculousness, Troma’s got a whole catalog full of crazy stuff that make Piranha 3D look tame. Anyone else a Troma fan, or feel weird because they didn’t find the gore and violence nearly as ridiculous as others did?

  9. Jamie says:

    This movie was shite. Pure and simple. No redeeming quaslites just a bunch of Jaws cliches and tits and ass. Then again it’s made by the Weinsteins, so I should’ve expected an unoriginal pile of piss from the makers of the overrated Scream movies. I’m glad I didn’t pay to watch it. Keep wasting your money watching shit, idiots and they’ll continue to laugh at you and remake more classic films.

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